HARTFORD, Conn., November 8, 2018 (Newswire.com) - PTCFO, Inc is pleased to announce the addition of ESOPJobs.com to its family of websites serving the 6,000+ ESOP companies nationwide. ESOPJobs.com is a new online tool aimed at helping job seekers and quality ESOP employers to find one another. ESOPJobs.com is a ground-breaking service with much promise.
Regardless of industry, potential employers and employees can easily connect via the ESOPJobs.com online portal. With over 6,000 companies offering employee benefits options registered on the website, job seekers will gain access to many opportunities for employment with just a few clicks.
ESOP employers can utilize their ESOPB2B.com profiles to upload job ads and attract the best talent in the industry automatically through integration with ESOPJobs.com.
ESOPJobs.com narrows down the playing field to the best of the best for those businesses seeking just the right person for the job.
Saving the ESOP Company Leadership Time
To assist busy company owners who may need a new employee, ESOPJobs.com sends monthly summaries of the website’s job seekers - saving them valuable time in wading through resumes independently. Best of all, when a company uploads a job posting, ESOPJobs.com optimizes it for search engines to ensure that the listing receives as much traffic as possible to help find the perfect candidate for the position.
Helping the Job Seeker in Their Search for ESOP Company Employment
For the job seeker, this service is offered at no cost and is an easy way to get noticed by the leading ESOP companies across the country. ESOPJobs.com is a completely safe portal, ensuring that confidential information is only available to carefully vetted professionals.
For individuals that are looking to move to a company which offers ESOP benefits, ESOPJobs.com sends regular alerts when a position they are well-suited for becomes available in their area.
About ESOPJobs.com
ESOPJobs.com is a time-saving tool helping quality employees and ESOP employers find each other. Learn more at ESOPJobs.com and ESOPB2B.com
48 Walkley Road, West Hartford, CT 06119-1345
phone: 860.232.9858
Source: PTCFO, Inc